
Scripts and Celtx

Celtx is awesome, it really is.  If you've never heard of it (I hadn't), I would highly recommend checking it out at Celtx.com.

Put simply though, it gives me a place to post the scripts, notes, storyboards, act and share them with others.  I can even add more writers to the group in case that is something anyone would be interested in.  Not only does it keep everything organized, their free software has been amazing.

I am bringing this up because even though I am not done with the script for Madoka Magica, the one for Black Rock Shooter has been finessed for quite some time.  As such, I will probably putting that up for everyone within the next few days (to my knowledge, the one on Facebook is outdated).

But, to be able to share it with others, I am going to need everyone's e-mail address.  If you don't get the BRS script in the next week or so, it is probably because I don't have it.  So, it can't hurt to message me just in case (the contact info is on the site under the contact tab...not that hard to find).

While BRS is just a movie, it is important to work get all of the Celtx stuff resolved now for a few  reasons.

1.)  I need to know who is on board for background voices and minor roles.  Its just to make sure.  I can certainly guess, but I don't want anyone to feel left out on my account.  And obviously, having your own copy of the script gives you context without having to watch the whole thing, which is true of any series we would do.

2.)  Madoka Magica.  Its a big deal.  It is more dialogue to work through.  More people with bigger roles to fill.  For the most part I know who is playing the leads.  Unfortunately, it is not like BRS where minor roles have only one or two lines.  There are a lot of reoccuring people with plenty of lines.  For example, I don't know who is playing Madoka's family (her mom, dad, or even Tatsuya), Hitomi, hospitalized kid who can't play the violin, and I am probably missing several others.  We can probably take chances with the zombified people and witches and whatnot (how fun right?), but at the same time I don't want to do a lazy job about it.

I think that covers almost everything.  Let me know how it works out for you.

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