
The Optional Audition

Originally, I had been planning on putting this in my post about Celtx, but I figured that it deserves special mention.

I think I have commented before, at least to some people, that auditions are not mandatory.  They are optional, though honestly they are in your best interest.  But I have enough work to do without going crazy with planning auditions.  

First off, you don't need all this technical crap to make it sound good (that is my job and I will cross that bridge when I come to it).  Most people that I know of use Skype anyway.  Trust me, that would suffice.  I suppose you could come up with your own dialogue instead of getting the scripts I will put on Celtx.  But why would you do that if you didn't have to?

Ignore mouth flaps and video altogether if you want.  Having audio is enough for me.  Just e-mail it to the address on the contact page.  

True, there is not much to audition for in BRS really, unless playing the mom, police, officer, classmates, or  the principal matters to you.  With Madoka Magica, it is a different story.  If you want to take advantage of the opportunity while you have the chance there are a few fairly big roles that are being shuffled around with a few people at the moment (as you may or may not know from what I have posted in the forums and the site a month or so ago).  They are:
Mami, Kyubei, Kyousuke, and Hitomi.  

On a somewhat separate note, finding adults who would be willing to voice over Madoka's parents would be idea.  I have no clue how to resolve this.  If you do, please let me know. :)

Have fun :p

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