
The Studio Needs a Home

I'll make this brief because it is significant, yet nothing that can easily be fixed.  I was going to record this summer at the duplex that I will be moving into within the year.  Things got held up because of a broken water line.  Thus the air conditioning had to be turned off because of the leak.  (Though the faucets are up and running today, so that in itself is moving forward.)

It is not impossible to record there.  I doubt I would mind it much personally - being born and raised in the desert.  But you might not enjoy it.  That being said, it would be nice to find a better location.  With everyone being busy this summer, that may be a lot for me to ask.

I would like to add that it is more portable than ever though.  All the fan dub things will be done on this mac laptop (and maybe connected to the other laptop for display purposes).  The only additional equipment would be the mic itself.  Its all pretty portable now.

So, if you have suggestions in mind you know where to find me.  This is a group project after all.  I'm sure that together we can get a lot done this summer :)


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