

Stupid Dialogue Changes

I gave Leann a bad idea - writing scripts, and taking out the strange things which the Canadians threw in that just have no place in a possible fandub of ours (on the sailor moon uncut website, they are called Stupid Dialogue Alerts, SDA for short).

It would have been a perfectly acceptable way to waste time spending the night...had she not decided to record it.  The result was over two hours of pretty much a crazy mic test/commentary.

On the bright side I got to play around with what render settings work best with the mic, and a few other technical things that would bore you to tears.  Still, with all the experimenting I did with Sony Vegas, you will have to excuse the fact that the quality goes from bad to worse.

I have spared you as much of the insanity as I could.

Yes, part three has been removed because it expired.  I may delete these remaining ones just because I can.  Youtube annoys me anyway.


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