
Available Jobs!

Most of what we accomplish this summer depends on all the help outside of the recording.  To be honest, the most time consuming is the pre-production and post-production (some of which can be addressed now).

First, there is the scripts.  The Madoka Magica script is mostly painful just because of the mouth flaps.  The writing itself is not terrible.  But going back from writing it to checking the flaps for every line is time consuming.  I would focus on just one character at a time (because I was going to record all of Riann-chan's lines for Sayaka in the upcoming week!) but I don't want to have issues with continuity.  That being said, I would be grateful if someone could at least check my mouth flaps for me to make sure they sink.  That in itself is not all that bad because there is not as much going back or fourth.

Another would be compiling sound effects.  Not necessarily getting the actual file for me (unless you wanted to, in which case I would gladly give a list of resources for that) just making a list of the ones that I will need to find.  Or perhaps have a group of people for this alone.

I feel bad that I haven't gotten as much done by now as I wanted.  But at least we can work together on things even before we get to the recording stage.

I look forward to hearing from you. :D

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