
Technical Insanity That You Couldn't Care Less About

Whether you care about it or not, it this is relevant.  I feel like I should apologize that we haven't gotten anything done.  But that isn't entirely true.  The behind the scenes stuff takes up more time than you would think as I have come to learn.

Awhile ago, Riann-chan and I tried to get some of BRS done.  It was more of a learning experience than anything.  So what was learned here?  For one, Sony Vegas is NOT adequate for fandubs.  It works, but takes at least one day in advance to prepare for it.  I wish I could say that this is an exaggeration.  But, it is entirely accurate.

If you don't know anything about it, it is a linear type of editing (what I am accustomed to for making AMVs).  So, video is on one timeline track.  Japanese audio is on another.  Two tracks at least for the beeps for each character!  Those three beeps are assigned before the first mouth flap begins.  This means a days worth of cutting, pasting,  zooming in frame by frame.  And I am a poor college student with little to no time for that.
Also, on the day of recording, there is a ton of previewing in Japanese, muting tracks, moving tracks (did I mention that Riann-chan has a thing for bloopers?).  It is a painful endeavor.

As you can plainly see, it works but it isn't practical.

Luckily, there is ADR software.  It takes care of the cues on its own, records multiple takes automatically, and can even put the dialogue on the screen, saving hours and even DAYS.  And yes, it makes my wallet cry out in terror.

I do have a laptop now that I got for my writing class.  It is a PC.  Nuendo 5 has a built in ADR program.  It is $1,800 dollars.  Alright, well most people use ProTools anyway.  That is $700.  People rave all the time about the ADR plugins for it: EdiCue, EdiPromt, and three or four other EdiThings that escape me at the moment.  What?  You mean you have to buy them separately.  Well, I figured as much.  I just didn't expect them to be $600 each!

I guess that is just as well given another lesson I learned with Leann.  If you want to avoid skippy playback, your computer needs to do multiple things at once.  I was recording to an external hard drive at that time which might have caused it, but that isn't for certain.  Things are  looking up however....

The best and cheapest software is for the Mac.  Since my mother is contemplating getting one herself, which would be available for my use as well, the odds are in my favor (no, for once I was not making a reference to The Hunger Games there, but think what you want).  For example, Streamers (made by Figure 53 for point of reference can be rented for $19 a day).  Yes, it adds up, but at this rate I doubt that I will have the option to record multiple people in a week anyway.  Besides, lets just say my mother is indebted to me for letting her use my car everyday, so it is hardly an issue.

Why do I bring up all of this?  Once the issue is settled, recording for BRS and Madoka Magica will begin.  I figured it was only fair to let you know where we stand.

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