
A Friendly Request

Youtube doesn't like me much.  Heck, technology in general doesn't like me much, but just pretend you didn't read that...

Anyway, I was using a different video host for the last SDA videos to work my way around youtube's annoyances.  It was faster.  There was a bigger screen.  Easy to use.  The only downside, if not watched once every certain number of days, they are deleted.  You may have noticed.

Since I got my new laptop, I lost all the SDA stuff.   And I was unable to watch them myself because I had no internet access for a time (and Murphy likes to skrew with me when it comes to bad timing).  Admittedly, my own darn fault that they are gone.

They may be able to be found on my external drive, if they also survived the computer virus I had (December and January were not kind to b.o.c. fandubs as you can see).  Anyway, regardless of whether or not they show their face again, it would be awesome if you could simply click on the videos posted sometime in the future in your spare time.  Seriously, you don't even have to watch them.  Just load them, then close them and move on to your next facebook status.  Try to remember that for the future if you feel like doing a random act of kindness for me :D   It will be much appreciated.

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