
Update for the New Year in February

I feel as though I have failed everyone as a leader.  But I am going to try to overcome that and push this thing forward.  There is no way to please everyone.  Ok.  Fine.  I get that.  So, don't be surprised if I type cast at random for series I may not have informed you on in person.  There are just far to many people.  As I said, you get out of it what you put into it.  Hence why Riann-chan and KK are helping me lead this insane mess.

Enough of me being a broken record.  This is where we stand.  Very few people could agree on a time to to BRS which put us behind.  I got some of Mato's lines done.  But we learned the hard way that the mic sounds better when recording into the computer instead of an external drive.  Her lines will have to be recording again anyway.  Followed by Keeli and myself.  Extras will be done whenever I come across them.  Whoever steps up to be honest.  On the bright side, the studio is now portable because my desktop has been replaced by a laptop.  Yay.  Hopefully, it will be finished relatively soon.  The anime series is airing after all.  And it would be great to come out with our fandub at the same time :D

This fandub idea hasn't died off yet, believe it or not. So bear with me.  Please.

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