
Licensing Matters Aside...

Due to the fact that this fandub hasn't gone very far, I lament to inform you that I am constantly being bombarded with ideas to possibly dub other series in hopes of either getting all of you excited about this, or find something that I can in the very least start ASAP (either one of these would be welcome because clearly both are too much to hope for).

The first one that stuck me was Mahou Shojou Madoka Magica.  Not only is it suitable considering the only ones who seem to care about this fandub are female anyway, it is much more than it seems.  Believe it or not, it is a dark and well-executed deconstruction of magical girl series in general.  Ironic since we want to do Sailor Moon.  At first glance, I know it may repel our more shounen oriented females in our group.  But trust me, there is way more than meets the eye.

The problem:  The official dub is going to be released on Valentines Day!   >:(
I am not pleased.  I really want to fandub this series, and all of a sudden, I don't care that an fficial dub is coming out.  I am fired up enough to go along with it anyway.  Since my INFP side is screaming for a creative outlet, don't be terribly surprised if I start this one up anyway.  This irks me as much, it not more (dare I say), than the fact that Disney bought rights to make movies for the Matched trilogy.  But I digress...

Another that I have become addicted to the thought of fandubbing is Stein's Gate.  It is about time travel. Check it out.  It is awesome.  But has recently been released by Funimation.  So again, I must display my rage face   >:(
My frustration knows no bounds.

And the last, which are actually animated films near and dear to my heart...Kara No Kyoukai (Garden of Sinners).  To my knowledge, there is no dub in sight.  Ever.  Sad in a way.  And alas, this would be the hardest to pull off.  The fact that I am entertaining thoughts of dubbing this are a sign that I may be more off my rocker than I thought.
Um...oh well I guess.

~Love, your very irritated director

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