Project Ideas
2:52 AM
I can imagine that I will want to be editing a bunch of stuff at once. I am an INFP, so that is just the way I roll, constantly bouncing back and forth between things. And I will always have something constructive to be doing.
Here is what I have planned in terms of our major projects.
1.) Madoka Magica
2.) Black-Rock Shooter
Anime movie. I just need lots of background stuff for this. On the exception of the three main characters, it doesn't need to be taken too seriously. Good for letting lose and having fun. I probably won't even bother having a script for that.
(And both of these can now be found on the resources page)
Those two are my top priority. But there are a few more side things that I talked over with Leann.
Most of my suggestions can be found on the resources page or in the feedback section of the forum.
The ones I didn't include, I shall rant a little about here.
-There was mentioning of voicing over the live action Ouran (thanks to Jono). I have no problem with this. In fact, you probably don't want to get me started on how much fun I think this would be. And the thought of not having to worry too much about matching mouth flaps is certainly appealing.
- Of course, there is Sailor Moon (if you haven't already inferred from the "script writing sessions" Leann thought we should record). It would be impossible to do the entire series. But it would be cool to do certain fun episodes that pertain to each character. Mina has a group of episodes, Rini has a group of episodes, so on an so fourth.
I probably won't bother with auditions for the time being. We want to do this for nostalgia sake (keeping the names from the English dub). No use in denying the fact that there are people in this group who wouldn't touch the series with a ten foot pole. But if you are interested in it, for whatever reason (even mocking the monstrosity that shoujo can be) say so.
- Another possibility is My Little Pony with roles according to this chart. Before you come at me armed with pitchforks, please let me explain my twisted logic. I don't "act". I have taken very few acting/drama classes in my life. Voice acting sounds much better when it isn't forced (overacting is bad). So for those like me, who are unfamiliar with "acting" I figured it would be helpful to get the feeling for it by voicing over characters that they can relate to and move on from there. Besides I find the Myers-Briggs test to be so accurate that it scares me. If you don't like the idea, blame Leann. She is the one who takes pleasure in delving into the human mind (and showed me the chart in the first place).